KYB Compliance

Grow your business in APAC with real-time KYB checks

Navigating the APAC business landscape can be challenging. Gain clarity with the region's most comprehensive Know Your Business (KYB) intelligence.

A man in a suit holding a laptop next to a stylised depiction of different KYB processes

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Expanding to countries with unfamiliar rules and company laws can seem daunting. With tools like ours, you unlock your growth potential.

Over 344 million records

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In nine APAC countries

We cover China, Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia., Australia, and New Zealand.

More than 106 million alerts

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A list of company details including Corporate ID, Company name, Legal form, and Email address, with the possibility to add a new field. A mouse cursor drags a field named "country" over to the list, among other options.
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Streamline your KYB compliance approach

Partnering with genuine companies is crucial for sustainable growth. Always know who you are dealing with, both at onboarding and throughout the whole business lifecycle, to ensure every partnership aligns with your standards.

Real-time KYB search

Use sophisticated AI and machine learning for the most detailed KYB searches across Asia, delivered in real-time.

Transparent business insights

Connect directly to government registries, identify potential irregularities and access fully translated business information.

Know Your User

Real-time, translated insights from trusted sources

Know who you are dealing with before partnering with, investing in, or entering into business relationships with any APAC company.

Real-time registration information

Access vital details like name, company number, and incorporation date directly from the register. Stay updated on past names, business contacts, and current status.

Key personnel and ownership insights

Understand the key players in a business, from officers and directors to shareholders. Know who holds sway and their stakes in the enterprise with information on share proportions and capital.

Unveil the ultimate beneficial owner

Gain a clear view of business ownership with insights into the equity chain. Understand corporate structures visually and get a concise snapshot of the main stakeholders.

Stay ahead with alerts and watchlists

Don't get blindsided. Receive timely alerts on administrative penalties, court records, equity pledges, irregularities, law enforcement interactions, and bankruptcy reorganisations.


Compliance and KYC are daunting topics. We have compiled some answers on the most important questions below.

What is Know Your Business (KYB)?

Know Your Business (KYB) refers to the process companies use to verify the legitimacy of other businesses they engage with, ensuring compliance with anti-fraud and anti-money laundering regulations.

Why is KYB compliance important?

KYB compliance helps companies avoid doing business with fraudulent or illegally operating entities. It comprises varied methods that help to make sure the business partners they work with are legitimate, reducing the risk of financial crime or running afoul of regulatory requirements.

What Know Your Business (KYB) requirements are there?

While KYB requirements may vary from country to country and industry to industry. They are usually part of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) laws and typically include verifying the legal structure of a business, identifying beneficial owners, and ensuring the company is registered and operating lawfully by reviewing official documentation such as incorporation certificates and tax filings.

What is the KYB process?

The shape of the KYB process depends on the regulatory requirements and internal guidelines that need to be met. Usually, it involves gathering and verifying information about a business entity, including its ownership, financials, and operational status, to confirm that the business is legitimate and compliant with the applicable rules.

How can a business streamline the KYB process?

There are many ways to streamline the KYB process. One is to train your team, so they can handle the workload quicker and identity efficiently. Another is to invest in the right tools for the job, for example by using automated compliance platforms that integrate with regulatory databases, allowing for quicker verification of business credentials and reducing manual work.

We enable strict regulatory compliance regardless of industry

The flexibility of our KYC/KYB compliance offerings includes, among other things, industry-specific solutions, global coverage, adaptation to local conditions and a customer-centric approach.